Wednesday, November 3, 2010

India: Travelers Paradise?

So far Michele and I have figured that India is not a travelers paradise. Traveling here is very stressful, everything form catching trains to leaving the train station and finding a hotel. Too many people want to take advantage of you (or earn money from you is a better way of putting it), but we are becoming street wise very fast. You want to go to a specific hotel and they'll take you to any one but the one you are looking for, but we now know that we can report them if they are misbehaving.....

The trick is to take breaks. Landing in Diu has been a paradise. Very relaxed, no pressure form anyone. It has allowed us to rest up, clean our clothes and prepare for the next leg of our journey: Rajasthan - I'm quite excited now that I'm rested up and have booked a couple of hotels......

Check the facebook photo link for photos of Diu.....

More next time, love to you all.......

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