Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Visas in the mail!

I took a special trip to Fort Collins today to FedEx Our visas to the outsourcing vendor. FedEx, what a ripoff: $15 each way for a couple of passports - USPS priority is only $5. But that is the way they want you to mail the visas and what can you do? It's all very objective given the battery of choices we have in today's society. If only there was an on off switch to that part of my brain that always compares things!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tickets From Delhi to Dublin

We purchased our tickets to leave India today. Delhi to Dublin April 17th 2011 (3 days short of 6 months in India). Flying Etihad again, we'll give you feedback on this airline (i've read they are great). We will arrive in Dublin at 2:50pm on a sunny Sunday afternoon? Visas are ready to be shipped out on Monday. Looking good.......

Friday, May 21, 2010

In the interest of fairness

Preperation -

Two tickets to Mumbai - check
Home made passport photos (we'll let you know how these work out) - check
Mosquito net - check
New DL's with current address for visas - check
All things required for visa - check
light weight sleeping bags - check
travel guide - check
Notice to all the good people at Shambhala Mountain Center - check
Hotel booked for four nights in Mumbai - check
Money belts - check